I think it's something that's bubbling underground that's going to surface, just like the driverless cars,” Miller said. “I know all the fashion houses are doing them, the music people, the NFL even. Having developed an interest in NFTs from seeing numerous high-profile partnerships in the news, Miller’s team tapped CYNOSUR3, a Web3 production agency, for the collection’s back end. Since being announced last week, her server has garnered up to 2,850 members with holders of her NFTs being granted access to their own token-gated channel. The astrologer and her team are now experimenting with Discord as a means of community building. Miller has amassed an impressive virtual following since the launch of her website, which sees over 1 million unique visitors per month. In the beginning, I think NFTs did start as art, but it’s evolved into more of a community passport," she added. “When my friends talk about NFTs, they say it's like art you can’t put on the wall. In an interview with CoinDesk Miller said that when she was first introduced to NFTs, "it felt like I entered a subculture that was like landing in Area 51." While the majority of Miller’s following knows little about crypto, the entrepreneur says she sees NFTs as the next wave of community building, similar to how she saw the internet boom of the late 90s and adoption of e-books in the early 2000s.