Your version of the same problem might be resolved but others here still have this issue and it is not resolved as yours is. WalrusInAnus your other comment justifying closing the thread is "and people "hijacked" it for discussing completely different things." is total BS, most if not all are having the same problem and your attitude is FU - REALLY ? I totally agree with the comment by fatriff: "You come along, expect everybody to help you then when somebody says leave it open you say nah, I got what I wanted, start your own." Just read this comment by WalrusInAnus: "I started a thread about a problem I had. Set Upload speed in the Global Rate Unites Upload. Then select Speed in the left pane of Options within qBittorrent. If you don’t know your headline speed, go to or other speed testing site and find out.
I also have (-1) on all the previous torrents that worked fine and I still have seeding and on all the new torrents I have tried to download since updating to 4.0.3 The ideal upload rate for qBittorrent is 80 of your maximum broadband speed. Having this issue on ALL my torrents since I updated this client a few weeks ago.

rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 488M dec 6 22:38 Squid.ĭrwxrwsr-x 2 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 4,0K dec 6 18:45 tvĭrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4,0K dec 6 13:22. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 299M dec 6 22:38 Squid. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 633M dec 6 22:38 Squid. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 662M dec 6 22:38 Squid. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 451M dec 6 22:39 Squid. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 653M dec 6 22:38 Squid. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 617M dec 6 22:38 Squid.

rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 583M dec 6 22:38 Squid. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 776M dec 6 22:39 Squid. rw-rw-r- 1 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 53K dec 5 23:13 Squid. ĭrwxrwxrwx 28 root root 4,0K dec 6 13:06 …ĭrwxrwsr-x 2 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 4,0K dec 6 18:45 movies Thus it was not downloading any torrents. Ideally these are all running as their own users under a common group and all with a umask of 002, with files and folders being 664/775ĭrwsrwsrwt 4 ubuntuserver ubuntuserver 4,0K dec 6 22:14. For some weird reason Qbittorrent was connecting to the wrong connection and not the PIA one. What user, group, and umask is qbit running as? What part of TRaSH’s guide for a native setup was unclear? Why are you trying random things and ignoring all your resources available to you? Then what permissions should I use? I’m trying now chmod ugo+rwx It does not do anything that you think it does. I just set in Media management chmod to 777.Īgain - do not touch anything regarding permissions and group in media management unless you explicitly know what you are doing and have a specific reason to. You need to fix your download client setup, fix your inproper indexer configuration, figure out your local networking issues, and generally unfuck yourself from the situation you’ve created. Why do you think you’re using Qbittorrent when the logs say otherwise?ĭid you make this setup yourself or did you follow a very poor guide that needs to be burned with fire? The installation of BitTorrent isnt nearly as fast as qBittorrent, but the user can navigate to. Deluge is also downloading to root’s home folder which means Sonarr will never be able to access it. Also, remember always to use a VPN when downloading. You are not using Qbittorrent from your logs you are using Deluge.ĭeluge is also running as root which is extremely insecure. It looks like that you have tried to add sonarr as an indexer to itself? That makes no sense whatsoever - remote that immediately
What in the forum template was unclear about requiring debug logs and how to get them? Those logs are info logs which are almost always useless for debugging. Then sonarr is just stuck at “Episode grabbed from Jackett and send to qBittorrent”.