In addition to now always shown as having a tail, his nose has gained a red flush along with having longer yellow horns instead of white horns, and the red irises he is only occasionally depicted with in-game are now a permanent part of his design. The Devil's design for The Cuphead Show! remains more or less the same, with only a few stylistic changes made. As such, he is never actually shown with a tail in-game. He is also confirmed to have a tail with a spade-shaped tip at its end, but this has only been depicted in official Studio MDHR artworks published before and after the game's release.
#Idle big devil cheat engine skin#
This includes being able to remove his skin from his skeleton and jump out of it all together. He is normally depicted as being quite tall in comparison to the rest of the cast, with the ability to change his size and shape at will. Much like his lackey, King Dice, his normally small, black pupils seem to gain large, red irises when behaving in a particularly sinister manner. He also has a drooping, round nose, tall, smooth horns, and ears that are pointed at their tips. He has round, protruding cheeks, a furrowed brow, and heavily-lidded, yellow eyes. The Devil is almost always shown sporting an ear-to-ear, toothy grin. He is often illustrated carrying a pitchfork in his hand and/or tapping the big toe on one of his feet.

While the color of his face matches that of his fur, the bare skin on his hands and feet are a much lighter grey at the end of each of his fingers and toes are short, pointed claws.

With the exception of his face, hands, and feet, the majority of the Devil's body is covered in short, black fur.